Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Grade 7 and AFM Classes

Each year our grade 7 classes get the chance to work with our school AFM worker to learn more about alcohol and drugs and what the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba (AFM) does.

Today two of our grade 7 classes had their first session. Ms. Romance, our AFM worker, works with classes to discuss relationships, a positive and healthy lifestyle and to answer any questions our students have about drugs and alcohol.

Students do a great job in asking questions and providing answers or thoughts they may have about drugs and alcohol. Today, the first question that was discussed was 'Why to Use?'. Students responded with answers like mental health, peer pressure, 'why not' or a don't care attitude. The number one reason young people begin to use drugs or alcohol is because of boredom. Ms. Romance encouraged students to 'get involved' and stay busy by doing things they enjoy.

This grade 7 class had some great insights into why young people decide to use drugs or alcohol and even more reasons why not to use drugs or alcohol. 

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