Wednesday, August 27, 2014

GWMS Supply List 2014 and Student Fees

Below is a supply list for all students at George Waters Middle School for the 2014-15 School Year. Come with the basic things the first few weeks (pens, pencil, paper, binders) and the rest as it is needed.


General Supplies
2                      erasers for ink & pencil
10                    HB pencils
10                    ballpoint pens (blue or black
2                      3 ring binders (2 inch)
2                      duo-tangs
2                      packages of dividers
2                      packages of 3-ring lined paper
1                      large glue stick
1                      metric ruler
1                      package of felt markers
2                      red ballpoint pens
1                      package coloured pencils
1                      pencil sharpener
1                      iPad stylus (optional but useful)

Phys Ed Supplies
1                      pair of runners (non-skid, non-black soles, no skate shoes)
1                      T-shirt
1                      pair shorts or sweatpants

Grade 7 and 8 Visual Art Supplies
**ART supplies will be kept in the Art Room separate from their regular school supplies.**
1 Box of         HB pencils
1                      eraser (white)
1                      set of pencil crayons (minimum of 24)
1                      9x12 sketchbook, must be coiled on the side, 100 pages or more

Please do not buy a sketchbook at the Dollar Store, the paper quality is poor and there are not enough pages to last the year.  The best location to purchase a sketchbook is at The Artist’s Emporium on St. James Street.

**All students will be equipped with an iPad mini. LOTS more information to come about theses!

Student Fees

Families with children at George Waters pay their student fees when at George Waters during the triad conference. 

Student fees are spent as follows:
$20.00   Student fee (Student activities)
$15.00  Yearbook
$ 5.00    Locker/Lock Fee
                        $10.00   GWMS ‘House’ t-shirt (Optional)
Total      $40 or $50 (with shirt)   
**Families with more than one child at George Waters pay $40.00 for the first child and $30.00 (includes yearbook) for each additional child (or $23.00 - no yearbook).

Other possible fees       

Library Fees                                                  Music Fees
Lost magazine                   $3                           Shirt:                                $10
Lost book                          $10                         Method Book                    $10
                                                                                   Instrument Rental              $120

Hockey Academy             $550
(unless registered through the Winnipeg Jets Hockey Academy then it is free)

Textbooks                           Cost to replace book (varies)     

iPad                                       $25 Caution Fee (optional but recommended)
                                                                $250 - $400, cost to replace lost or broken iPads

**If families are unable to pay some or all of the above fees up front or at all, a plan will be made with school administration and the family. The opportunity to Get Involved in school activities always comes before the money (aka: we'll figure it out together).

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