Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What's Happening at School Today? JAWSS - Teacher advisor time

Today in JAWSS students were given the cover sheets of Comprehensive Portfolio for all the grade 8 students in their JAWSS class. 

At our awards ceremony near the end of June all grade 8s will receive their portfolio that they have been working on since grade 6. On the cover sheets students will read the nice messages that their JAWSS classmates wrote for them. 

JAWSS stands for Joint Activities with Staff and Students. These are small multi-grade groups and the intention is to provide one more strong relationship for each child at George Waters. Students build their portfolios and talk about character education throughout the year. 

Today we also spoke about the difference between fair and equal. We try to treat children at GWMS fairly to give the best chance to succeed. All children needs different things to get a chance to do their best. We try not to paint each child at George Waters with the same brush. 

Why is it important that we treat students fairly and not always equally at GWMS?

Because being equal is having the same thing over and over be fair so u could do something different and not at the same time.Kyshawn

So everyone is happy with what they have and get what they need. People get the amount of something that's fair for everybody.

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