Thursday, December 03, 2015

Getting Daily Reflections?

I have learned that there is an issue with some students not being able to email home their Daily Reflections. If your child is new to our school (IE Grade 6s or grade 7s and 8s who did not attend GW last year) they all received email accounts that finish in There is an issue with the server that support these accounts so students who have these email addresses will likely not be able to send home Daily Reflections for the time being. The problem is being addressed (this is not a school or division problem) and hopefully a solution will come soon!

Until then, students can add a different mail account to their iPads if they want to (Gmail, Yahoo etc.) or just keep on creating the Daily Reflections and use the same process. Once the problem is fixed Daily Reflection emails should start to appear again.

Students without email addresses that end in should still be able to email home their Daily Reflections.

Thanks for your patience!!

Mr. Mead

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