Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Report Cards Home Today!

All students will receive their report cards today. Teachers work hard to ensure that the reports are an accurate reflection of how each child is progressing at George Waters so far this year. These reports are valuable as they give the parent and child a better insight into what is happening at school. These reports don't tell the entire story though. There are many things that happen everyday that we are unable to report on as well. It is important to keep in touch with your child's teacher and to keep an ongoing conversation with your child about how they feel they are doing at school.

Today, each student will receive their report card at 2:30 PM. We are asking each student to read through their report card and reflect on their first term using the questions below. Please ask your child about what they wrote and how they felt they did during term 1. These reflection sheets will be put in students' Digital Comprehensive Growth Portfolio so we can review these as Term 2 and 3 progress. (click on the image to see a larger view).

To help parents keep informed with what is happening at school everyday we have asked All GW students to  send home emails everyday. Students send home Daily Reflection Emails home to start a conversation about school at home. If you aren't getting these or aren't getting the information you want please talk to your child and/or your child's teacher. The emails can be set up so parents get the information they want or need about their child's day.

Information on Report Cards shouldn't be a surprise nor do they tell the entire story. They should be used as conversation starters so we can communicate to parents. George Waters sends home two different report cards for grade 6 student and grade 7/8 students. To learn more about the Provincial Report Card please visit this link

Each report card should answer the following three questions:
  • What is your child is able to do? 
  • Areas requiring further attention or development?
  • Ways of supporting your child's learning?
A mark on any report only says so much about the learning your child is (or isn't) doing. Please read the comments and ask questions to learn more.

Mr. Mead

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