Thursday, December 20, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Letter sent home today to ALL parents

Please ask your child(ren) to view the letter sent home today. You can also read it below by clicking the images below.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Spirit Week - Dec 17-21

  • Monday, December 17th - Crazy hair day
  • Tuesday, December 18th - Sports day (Mr. Mead challenges everyone to wear anything but NHL gear) (Gym Blast in the PM - not an optional event)
  • Wednesday, December 19th - Beach day
  • Thursday, December 20th - PJ day
  • Friday, December 21st - Festive clothing day (School Dance in the PM)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Report Cards - TODAY

Parents! Please ask to see your child's report card!

GWMS Band Concert Review

Congratulations to all the Band and Choir students for their fine performances at the Winter Concert on Tuesday night.  Students looked and sounded great and there was lots of energy in the building from start to finish.  Thanks to all parents, relatives and friends who came to support the students.  We've got some good momentum going and I'm excited to see how much more we can improve in the next few months.

To view pictures of the concert please go to

Finn Johnson, Band Director
George Waters Middle School/St. James Collegiate

Band Website:

Monday, December 10, 2012

Lamontagne Fundraiser

Lamontagne Fundraiser Products have arrived and were sent home Manday. Please check your order carefully and call the office if anything is missing or broken as soon as possible.

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Kindness Boomerang

Watch this video about the 'Kindness Boomerang'. Help make someone else's day better. It comes back to make your day better.

A neat website to visit too.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Dec 7, 2012 - Come to school!

 How people respond to negativity or meanness controls that negativity or meanness. Stand up against it. Come to school on Dec 7/12. It is the expectation that all students attend school as it is a regular day. Systems are in place to ensure we keep everyone as safe as possible.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Winter Concert, Tuesday, Dec 11, 2012 at 7 pm

The Winter Concert is only 6 days away!  George Waters will showcase our Band and Choir students on December 11, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the school gymnasium.  Students should arrive at the school for 6:30 p.m. dressed in their Band shirt and black pants. 

In order for the Band to sound its best, everyone needs to prepare properly.  Playing during class time is not enough.  Students should be practicing 20 minutes a day to prepare for the concert.  Even if you know your notes and rhythms, the more you practice at home, the more confidence and endurance you will have for the concert (and the better the Band will sound!).  

Students should be practicing the following music:
Gr. 6:  Little Robin Redbreast (#22); Merrily We Roll Along (#23); Good King Wenceslas (#27); Dreydl Song (page 13)
Gr. 7:  Ayre and Dance; Deck the Hall
Gr. 8:  Ayre and Dance; Deck the Hall; Pirates of the Carribean

Check the Band Website for more information.  Thanks for your support!

Finn Johnson, Band Director
George Waters Middle School/St. James Collegiate

Band Website:

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

December 12, 2012 - Santa Shop!

On Wednesday, December 12th George Waters Middle School (grades 6 through 8) will be holding their annual Santa Shop. At Santa Shop, students who wish to participate will have the opportunity to purchase gifts (for between .50 and $3.00) for their immediate family members. Most items will have been donated by staff and friends. On the evening before the event, staff volunteers set up the shop. After making their purchases students are assisted by staff with giftwrapping. Students take their gifts home the same day.

Community Notice of Response To Threat

This letter is being sent home with students today.

December 4, 2012

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Re:  Response to Threat

Last night our cleaner found a threatening message in a girl’s bathroom of St. James Collegiate indicating a threat of violence at the high school on Friday, December 7/12.

The St. James Collegiate threat assessment team has been activated in order to collect risk assessment details. The Chief Superintendent has been consulted.  In addition, St. James Collegiate is working closely with the Winnipeg Police Service to assist with a response to the threat.

During the school day on Friday limited access will be given to the St. James Collegiate and George Waters Middle School.  Students and the public will be allowed to enter only through the front doors of St. James Collegiate and George Waters Middle School.  Police will assist in monitoring hallways. Teachers will track entrances and exits to classes; increased hallway supervision will be in place. For classes in the high school teachers will meet students in GWMS and escort them to their class. Extra supervision will be available at lunch to monitor hallways.
Leading up to Friday, staff and students will be on the alert for unusual behavior.  If you hear of any threats to our school’s safety please report them to the office immediately.


Andrew Mead

Monday, December 03, 2012


Parent Involvement
Supports Student Success:  Minister Allan

The provincial government has introduced legislation that would strengthen parental involvement in the education system and recognize the Manitoba Association of Parent Councils (MAPC) as the official representative of parent councils in Manitoba, Education Minister Nancy Allan announced today. 

"We know that parents play an integral role in helping their children succeed in school.  Parental involvement in the education system increases student engagement and strengthens the entire school community," said Allan.  "MAPC has made significant contributions to our parent-friendly, common report card and class-size initiatives through its participation on the oversight committee.  Recognizing MAPC as an official voice for parents will help to improve the quality of our education system by getting parents involved in education and making sure their voices are heard."

The legislation would recognize MAPC as the representative of parent advisory councils for all school divisions in Manitoba, with the exception of the Division scolaire franco-manitobaine.  It would also require that school principals consult with the school advisory councils when preparing the annual school plan. 

In addition, the legislation would require principals to provide parents with the information on the role and function of the school's school-based parent group, a parent's right to become member of the school-based parent group at his or her child's school and, if a school-based parent group is not established at the school, the manner in which one may be established. 

"This legislation would support and promote meaningful involvement and participation of parents in education.  By working together, we can help our kids succeed and our schools and community partnerships will be strengthened," said Allan.

"The Manitoba Association of Parent Councils understands the unique relationship that needs to be promoted, created and maintained within school communities between staff, administration and parents.  We also know that a strong parental voice in our public education system is critical for student success and we fully support and encourage the involvement and participation of parents in their child's education," said Judith Cameron, president, MAPC.


Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.
Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our children. He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence.
This is a fun 18 minute video that makes you (well, it makes me) think about the school and the value we place on certain things at school. Worth a watch!

Good Info graphic on Staying Safe on Facebook